Monday, September 28, 2020

'SLingers Is Here !!!

This is you.  You *know* it's you!

    SLingers Gazette will be bringing you the news, latest juicy gossip and behind the scenes secrets, information and happenings from and about the SL Music scene every three months (or so). 

    Heard a rumor?  Got a secret?   Send it to SLingers with the form over on the right sidebar.  

    Main posts and features will be updated quarterly (ish) and we'll be looking at your input first.  All schedules (both on the 'alphabetical listing' as well as any other submissions) will be updated and posted here as soon as provided!  No 2-month-old stale stuff here, baby!
    Reviews of venues (good *and* bad), singer performances, new regions, old regions; anything and everything related to the SL Singers (SLingers) world.

   Your favorite singers' schedules will be posted on the alphabetical list located over there on the right and updated on an as-notified / as-requested basis.   We'll be on the lookout, but we could use your help there, too!   Is someone's schedule missing?   Let us know or have them send it to us!

    You won't want to miss this.  Bookmark it.  Pin it.  Now. 

    (Ya never know when someone might be talking about you in SLingers Gazette!)

- SG -

Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of Vendetta Publications.